Saturday 19 August 2017

Labour's Transport policies

As you probably have heard, Jacinda Ardern has taken over Andrew Little's place as Leader of the Labour party.And I think the change has really helped labor's popularity by quite a bit.
One thing I like About The New Labor Party compared to the National party is there Transport policies.I really find that they are perfect to the Future needs of all of Auckland.She said that there promise was to:
  • Put Light Rail to the Airport
  • create Light Rail besides the Northwestern motorway
  • Finally do the congestion free network
Now if you don't know what the congestion free network is, it is a Rail and Bus Network created by Greater Auckland( Formerly Transport Blog) and Generation Zero.It was originally made in 2013.But they have recently updated it about 2 months ago and so it looks like this.
This will also mean that Labor will finally do rail to the North Shore. The National party's transport policies for Auckland are not that good at all.They are basically saying to put more roads. Which doesn't actually help Auckland congestion. In an earlier post,I  talked about if you make to try and stop congestion,It'll just make things worse because it will give people the idea that they have to drive.The only problem with labour's policies is that they will have to put a regional fuel tax for cars making it likely be 10 cents more expensive.But in a way that's good It could help people get out of there cars and use public transport instead.which is better for all of us.

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